Teen CARE has been helping Hawaii’s youth since 1987. Our services are CARF accredited and funded by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division of the Department of Health, and the Hawaii Judiciary. Teen CARE provides substance use disorder treatment and prevention for youth, as well as youth experiencing behavioral or emotional challenges in the home or community.
Adolescent Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Teen CARE is a substance use disorder treatment program that empowers youth with the knowledge, skills and support systems required to make positive changes and to get back on track with their lives. Teen CARE substance abuse treatment services include individual counseling, group counseling, case management, and family sessions. Each client receives a treatment plan tailored to their individual needs based on the results of a comprehensive assessment. Group counseling focuses on education, skill development, and support. Our treatment program utilizes evidence-based curriculum and approaches that have been found to be effective with youth in substance abuse treatment settings, such as Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Our substance abuse treatment programs receive funding from the Hawai`i Judiciary and the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division of the Hawai`i Department of Health.
School-Based treatment services take place on school campuses throughout Oahu and Kauai. Working in the school environment allows for close collaboration with school staff and provides a more comprehensive picture of the youth being served. Many young people who need treatment services are already exhibiting signs of substance abuse as evidenced by poor attendance of school, declining grades, behavioral problems, and family conflicts. Teen CARE’s school-based students are often self-referred, but they can also be referred by peers, teachers, counselors, administrators, and family members.
Community-Based treatment services are located in Waipahu, Kaneohe, and Kapaa. The services take place outside of school hours. Youth in our community-based programs are referred by family members, therapists, social workers, medical professionals, care coordinators, probation officers, and school administrators. In our community-based programs, we work closely with the family and other referrals sources to support participation and long-term change.
Prevention Services
Teen CARE provides evidence-based services in Oahu and Kauai to help youth learn to make healthy choices. Our prevention services are funded by the State of Hawai‘i Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division through the Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (“SAPT”) Block Grant funds. Our substance abuse prevention program includes the following components:
- Education is provided to youth in schools and community settings through our evidenced-based curricula. Project ALERT teachers youth the skills they need to understand and resist pro-drug social influences through small group activities, question-and-answer sessions, role-playing, and rehersal of new skills.
- Alternative Activities are drug-free events that reinforce positive choices, enhance pro-social skills, and offer a safe space for teens. Youth who have participated in our evidence-based programs are encouraged to take part in alternative activities to practice new skills and to strengthen their commitment to making positive choices.
- Community-based process allows us to engage with other providers and community members as part of a community coalition. This collaboration bring together different people and organizations to create positive changes within communities.
- Information Dissemination is a key part of our prevention services. We provide information about making healthy choices, the risk of substance abuse, and prevention and treatment resources available for teens and families. Teen CARE can be found at health fairs, school functions, and various community events. You might see us at your neighborshood Ho`olaule`a – so come u and say hello! We share facts and resources through our classroom presentations. We also reach out to youth and families with our social media campaigns – Substance and Teen CARE Ohana.
- Substance Hawaii focuses on youth by examining the essence of what makes each of us unique – what we love, the way we interact with the world, and the content of our character –
our “substance.” A digital presence among youth who participate in our evidence-based programs reinforces positive skills and values, generating a lasting impact. Identifying healthy passions and positive qualities strengthens a teen’s ability to make good choices, opening the door to new opportunities and a bright future.
- Teen CARE Ohana influences and informs those who care about teens such as parents, professionals, and educators. It’s a resource for families we engage with at community events,
parents involved in our evidence-based programs, and others who might be looking for help and support. We focus on education about risks related to teen drug use, information about family friendly activities, and ideas about how to support teens.
- Substance Hawaii focuses on youth by examining the essence of what makes each of us unique – what we love, the way we interact with the world, and the content of our character –
Intensive In-Home Therapy
The Intensive In-Home (IIH) Program provides services to youth and families referred by the Central, Honolulu, and Windward Family Guidance Centers. Our therapists work with youth experiencing behavioral or emotional challenges in the home and/or community. We support youth and families by supporting stability, developing positive social skills and problem solving skills, and improving quality of relationships. Intensive In-Home Therapy is time limited, family focused, and incorporates a team approach. Services are delivered in school, home, and community settings, utilizing evidence-based approaches for youth with behavioral and mental health challenges. IIH services are funded by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD) of the Hawai`i Department of Health.